In this page I make available the manuals provided with the following AEGs manufactured by Tokyo Marui:

Any materials here reproduced are Copyright © by TOKYO MARUI Co. Ltd.; I simply scanned them and put it on the web. I did not ask permission to use these contents to Tokyo Marui, but I think they would not have any objections. Anyway I'm ready to promptly remove this pages from the web as soon as I receive any written request to do so from any subject legally entitled to do so.

These manuals were made available online with the only purpose of describing the details of the above products. Contents have been duplicated as close to the original as possible, anyway I shall not be liable for any mistake, omission or other error.

Pages have been scanned at a resolution of 100 dpi and saved in JPEG format. I know that this is not the best format to keep quality, but it had to keep file size reasonably low. Click on thumbnails on the left to select page. This page is best viewed at 1024x768.

Daniele Paolo Scarpazza